How to Recover a MetaMask Wallet

Knowing how you can recover your wallet account is essential, and here's how to recover a MetaMask wallet with recovery phrase or password.

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Knowing how you can recover your MetaMask wallet account is essential.

You may have forgotten how to enter MetaMask recovery phrase, and also not able to log in to your crypto wallet.

Even if you how to enter secret recovery phrase and password in MetaMask wallet, you’ll still not access your cryptocurrency tokens.

MetaMask is one of the many credible cryptocurrency wallet services available, with over 21 million users worldwide.

You can either download the mobile application on your device, or install it in your browser as extension on the personal computer.

However, some issues (like; forgotten password, lost MetaMask seed phrase, lost MetaMask account and tokens not showing) may come up.

In this guide, I’ll show you how to recover a MetaMask wallet and fix some of these various problems as easy as possible.

Let’s begin…

How to recover a MetaMask wallet

Below are the two different ways to recover your MetaMask wallet account, so you can have access your crypto investment once again.

Using MetaMask forgotten password option

If by any chance, you forgot your MetaMask secret recovery phrase, then here are the steps to recover the wallet account:

  1. Click on the Fox icon
  2. Click ‘Restore Account’
  3. Choose the ‘Restore Account’ option again
  4. Enter your MetaMask import seed phrase to proceed
  5. Next, enter the previous MetaMask seed phrase
  6. Now enter the new password you created
  7. Re-enter the password as a step of further confirmation
  8. Click ‘Restore Button’ to restore the ether (ETH) account.

By doing this, you can also restore all your previous additional cryptocurrency account balances.

Using secret recovery phrase option

You can only use the MetaMask secret seed phrase for restoring your wallet in either a fresh install or an existing installation.

Importing wallet on a new MetaMask installation

  1. Click on ‘Import Wallet’
  2. Enter your secret recovery phrase.

Restoring account from an existing MetaMask wallet

  1. Choose ‘Import using account Secret Recovery Phrase’ option
  2. Input your 12-word Secret Recovery Phrase
  3. Enter a new password
  4. Then click on ‘OK’ button.

Voila! You have successfully restored your MetaMask wallet account balance using seed phrase.

What is MetaMask secret recovery phrase?

Secret recovery phrase is a 12-word normally generated when setting up MetaMask wallet.

It is entirely private, and anyone who has access to it other than you can end up in a significant problem.

How do I find private key in MetaMask?

Identicon > Choose account to export > Click on three dots form menu > Account details > Export private key > Confirm > OK.

Final thoughts

It is essential that you keep all your information secure, particularly the MetaMask import seed phrase, which no one should have access but you alone.

Under all the above-mentioned circumstances, you must know how to enter MetaMask recovery phrase correctly to avoid any inconvenience.

All the passwords and keys that MetaMask generates for you are for the sole purpose of you having access to your accounts and data.

In other words, choose wisely what you need to keep private and share.

I totally hope this guide helped you with all the potential ways of recovering the MetaMask wallet if lost.

About The 'Staunch

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I am a financial nerd with a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and Finance, but found digital currency and asset investment to be more lucrative. The Crypto Staunch website is established to help individuals learn how digital currency and assets work through in-depth articles. Go-to the about page to learn more.

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About The 'Staunch

I am a financial nerd with a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and Finance, but found digital currency and asset investment to be more lucrative. The Crypto Staunch website is established to help individuals learn how digital currency and assets work through in-depth articles. Go-to the about page to learn more.