How to add Evmos (EVMOS) to MetaMask

It's possible to add Evmos to MetaMask wallet by adding the mainnet and testnet RPC to the list of networks, so read this guide to learn the process.

Mr. KingsHOK

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Evmos is a decentralized proof of stake blockchain on Cosmos.

It aims at bringing Ethereum dApps to the ecosystem, and allow developers to create their own EVM-compatible network by forking Evmos.

It is possible to add Evmos network to your MetaMask wallet by adding the RPC details to your list of networks in your account.

In this guide, we will walk you through the steps to add Evmos to MetaMask account with the verified RPC information.

Let’s begin…

How to add EVMOS to MetaMask

In this tutorial, we will guide you with the Chrome browser extension, however, the steps are almost the same for other devices.

We’re also assuming that you have the wallet already installed, otherwise, you can install the MetaMask using the official website.

Once you’ve installed MetaMask extension, you can access the wallet through ‘Settings’ on your Google Chrome browser.

1. Create MetaMask wallet account

Open the MetaMask and create a wallet account with your preferred password by clicking on the Fox icon.

2. Login into your MetaMask wallet

Click the Fox icon to open the MetaMask wallet, then input your password to login into your account.

In order to log in, click on the MetaMask Chrome extension, enter your password, and click on ‘Unlock’.

3. Add Nova network to MetaMask

Open the MetaMask wallet on a new browser tab by simply clicking on the MetaMask Fox logo on the top right extension area.

Click the dots in the top-right and select the ‘Expand view’ to interact with your MetaMask wallet interface on a larger screen.

In order to add a new chain network or switch between different blockchain, you will need to click on the network tab.

Click on the ‘Add Network’ option to add Nova blockchain network RPC details to your MetaMask wallet.

Evmos network RPC details

Now you should be able to provide all the required information, which includes network name, new RPC URL, chain ID, currency symbol, and block explorer URL.

Simply copy and paste the required RPC details from below…

Evmos mainnet information

Network Name: Evmos Mainnet
Chain ID: 9001
Currency Symbol (optional): EVMOS
Block Explorer URL (optional):

Evmos testnet information

Network Name: Evmos Testnet
Chain ID: 9000
Currency Symbol (optional): tEVMOS
Block Explorer URL (optional):

After entering all required details, simply click the ‘Save’ to store these information, and be redirected to your wallet where you will see the added network.

Final words

Adding Evmos network to your MetaMask cryptocurrency web3 wallet is actually a simple process.

All you need to do is enter the verified RPC information in the network list, and you will be connected to the EVMOS blockchain.

It allows you access to decentralized applications, issue tokens, and use EVM-compatible protocols on the platform.

Its robust security features made it reliable platform for developers, users and businesses who use it.

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About: Mr. KingsHOK

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I am a financial nerd with a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and Finance, but found digital currency and asset investment to be more lucrative. The Crypto Staunch website is established to help individuals learn how digital currency and assets work through in-depth articles.

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About The 'Staunch

I am a financial nerd with a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and Finance, but found digital currency and asset investment to be more lucrative. The Crypto Staunch website is established to help individuals learn how digital currency and assets work through in-depth articles.