
Hey there, welcome to The Crypto Staunch community!

If you are ready to start investing in cryptocurrencies, decentralized finance and non-fungible tokens, then this cryptocurrency website is for you.

When I’m not thinking of how to improve my crypto investment goals, then am writing guides on to make investing in different assets simple to understand.

I’ve spent several years in the space as a Crypto Staunch, and with this site, I want to help you take strategic leaps forward into becoming a Cryptopreneur.

I promise that if you stick around, you’ll definitely learn how to invest safely and achieve your dreams with crypto investments (hint: wealth is more than just money).

My name is Henry (a.k.a The ‘Staunch)!

I am a certified financial nerd with a Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting and Finance, but founded digital asset investment to be more lucrative.

More importantly, I’m a happy husband and father that is always interested in personal finance, not from traditional currency, but from the cryptocurrency perspective.

However, I didn’t really think much of my cryptopreneur future, until I lost some money investing in fake crypto projects, while I was planning my wedding.

I needed to figure out how this market works, and also to provide for my family’s future through my investment proceeds.

Since my wife was to stay home with our kids as they’re still young, I needed to start making a living out of this knowledge as fast as possible.

Thank Almighty… because right now, I am making it happen with crypto, defi and web3 assets.

Currently, I breathe cryptocurrency on daily, and all my publications are based on my first-hand experience throughout the journey.

This site is a documentation based on 8+ years of experiments, failing, succeeding and learning different strategies to earn living with digital currency and asset investments.

My first cryptocurrency investment

I bought my first couple of cryptocurrencies in 2018, which are; Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tron, Ripple, and Binance native crypto-coin.

They provided an excellent training ground for the (many) mistakes I made as a first-time digital currency investor.

Since then, we’ve bought and sold dozens of cryptocurrency assets (including NFTs), and have kept a small portfolio for passive income.

Through hard work (and luck) I’ve been able to increase my net worth, and also put myself on the path to financial freedom and independence.

What’s next now?

Since then, I’ve been on a mission to find ways to invest safely in cryptocurrency, and also earn income with many other kinds of crypto investments.

I also discovered a passion for helping others in their financial journey to escape the paycheck to paycheck cycle and take control of their money.

The Crypto Staunch is for enlightening individuals who would like to engage in crypto assets and investment for profit.

It’s established with a passion to help both beginners and advanced users grow from ground up, as well as honing cryptopreneurial mindsets.

In a nutshell, it’s created out of obsession to know how I can find a unique path to success with cryptocurrency projects and assets.

I hope to be able to share my real experiences in achieving financial independence, while living and raising a family with the income to inspire you towards reaching your own goals.